Overall goal:

Create and prepare our live Pair Showcase!

  • Ask teacher for opinions on draft by Wednesday

Requirements and plans for Pair Showcase:

  • Results must have Linux and interaction in VSCode
    • Open our Timebox VSCode file using Linux, open a localhost of our Timebox file using VSCode terminal. Show it matches with our Deployed Github Pages to show everything is committed and running properly.
  • Results must have Python and interaction in VSCode
    • Code a python game in VSCode in a Jupyter Notebook file, run the cell in VSCode so it gets run on the localhost. This has Python and interaction with VSCode.
  • Results must have Web interaction in JavaScript
    • Make a file under Hacks. Code a JavaScript button that can never be clicked (or some project like that).
  • Clean up everything: Make sure everything is neatly organized under Plans, hacks, and tangibles.