Blog / article on you and team

Our Demo
We started off with our landing page open for everyone to see and to attract people. We then gave our introductory hook, discussing how nice it would be to have a webpage with easy to access recipes that give you all the ingredients and instructions on how to cook them in one simple area with easy instructions. We then showcased signing up with a new account and logging in with that account to access our features. We showcased how you can change your settings in our user settings tab, showcased our forum where users can post text to ask other website members for help on recipe instructions, and also showcased our actual API where you can search for recipes and get access to simple and easy to follow instructions for recipes they want to make. We ended the demo with showcasing our admin control account that can edit people’s accounts to stop any bad behavior on our site.

Reflection on glows/grows from your demo
Glows: Our demo was pretty good and went smoothly. Our website had a visually appealing landing page which many people also complimented. We managed to showcase all of our features effectively in a short time and give a quick intro to hook people to watch our demo. The audience said they enjoyed our clarity and concise nature while presenting, conveying all the information without wasting time while still being engaging and informative. People were impressed with the organization of our API search page where they could get the all the ingredients needed for the recipe first in one place and then get detailed instructions on how to make the recipe.

Grows: Some visitors gave feedback on wanting more interactive elements to make the project more unique and fun. They said the website worked as intended but could also be spiced up with new features so it doesn’t just act as basically Google but only for recipes. They also said that while our landing page looked very professional, we could definitely improve the styling of our actual home page and features.

From feedback, something you will add to individual CPT project
To address this, we plan on making more customizable user settings in our user profile by including settings and a way to bookmark certain recipes. We also want to expand our forum feature to include being able to upload pictures of food users have created. One audience member commented that users should also be able to upload recipes they’ve created or seen elsewhere that are not on our website, so we would also like to add a section where users can look at other users’ uploaded recipes.

Visuals or pics of team and people you talked

Team 1:

AI Chat Bot

Team 2:


Blog on event

Something you saw in CompSci that impressed
I saw a team that made a AI Chat Box which seemed really interesting. Not only did they implement sort of a ChatGPT into their site, but they also added a section where they could chat with other users on the site. They also have an effective login/signup system and even a place to look at images. The entire chatbox and interaction with the AI looks super clean.

Something you saw outside of CompSci that you liked
I went to the Photography room as well as the ceramics room. I saw some really cool sculptures and a wide variety of different photos utilizing different techniques. I think the coolest thing I saw outside of CSP was in Drawing and Painting, where I saw someone draw a really realistic and cool picture of Mr. Mortensen! From the texturing to the lighting, the image looked super realistic and I was really surprised by how good it ended up looking. The drawing is shown below this sentence (Yes, it’s a drawing not a photograph).


Overall Reflection

I think the night was very successful. We got to meet a lot of interested parents who gave good feedback and complimented certain parts of our project. They definitely helped encourage us to think outside the box more for future edits to our features which will go a long way in finalizing our features for the CPT project (examples mentioned above). It was also very encouraging and motivating to hear compliments on our webpage as it made us feel good about our work and pushed us to work even harder. While walking around the room to look at other CSP and CSA projects, I also got a lot of inspiration from different styles and techniques and features that I plan to improve upon and add into our site. Overall, I think the night was very enjoyable and a great way to showcase our work while also getting good feedback to improve upon it.